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Résumé : Presenter : Library Experience : Professional Involvement

Library Experience

Director of PORTALS

Mary was the Director of PORTALS from 1999-2001.

PORTALS is a library consortium committed to meeting the research and educational needs of people in the greater Portland (Oregon) area through cooperative and creative access to information resources and services.

Mary helped revitalize the PORTALS organization by leading the consortium's Council through planning and team-building.

Mary was responsible for all operations of the PORTALS consortium. She:

. Guided consortium direction and facilitated Council decision-making.
. Devised and implemented PORTALS continuing education programs.
. Led the planning for PORTALS' future, helping formulate the vision and implementing it.

University of Portland and Portland General Electric Libraries

Early in her library career, Mary was a technical services librarian and assistant professor at the University of Portland, in Portland, OR. She managed cataloging and acquisitions, implemented online search service, automated acquisitions, and taught bibliographic instruction classes.

In 1980, Mary was hired as the technical librarian for the Portland General Electric (PGE) Company. She was PGE's Information Center and Library Resources Manager when she left in 1988 to form The Navigator Group.

Library Consultant and Regional Sales Manager

Mary helped form The Navigator Group and was the group's lead Library and Information Management Consultant from 1988 to 1989. She worked with clients in libraries, government, and business.

From 1989 through 1996, Mary was regional sales manager, first for The Faxon Company and then for B.H. Blackwell. Mary managed each company's academic library client base in the western U.S., consulting with librarians on subscription and technology needs.

Since 1998, Mary has led workshops for libraries and others in the areas of improved communications, teambuilding, and managing change. She also does project and consulting work.

Mary taught Foundations of Information Management in the Emporia State University School of Library & Information Management in 2001.


Mary Devlin
Ashland, Oregon
Phone: 971-269-6569